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TCC IX - 2010
3E Youth Exchange - 2010
World Carfree Day
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Towards Carfree Cities IX - Full Programme
Where available, presentations given at the conference have been uploaded in PDF format and are linked from the titles below.
Please contact with any questions.
Monday 28 June: Day 1
9:00 - 10:00 |
Main Hall |
Registration and info table
10:00 - 12:15 |
Main Hall |
Registration and info table
Denham Room
Streets are for People
- "Beyond the Car - Streets as Places" presentation by
Daniel Mourek and David Murphy (Czech Environmental Partnership, Prague and Brno)
- "Putting People First in Car-borne Communities: Exploring the Challenges and Sharing Solutions" presentation by
Richard Smith (Living Streets, Newcastle upon Tyne)
Tea/coffee break from 11:00 to 11:15 am
- "DIY Streets" presentation and workshop by Katherine Rooney and Liz Smith (Liveable Neighbourhoods Team, Sustrans, Bristol)
Clementhorpe Room |
City Case Studies
Tea/coffee break from 11:00 to 11:15 am
12:30 - 13:30 |
Main Hall |
- Welcome from the conference organisers
13:30 - 15:00 |
Meet Outside |
- Walking tour of York, led by Dr Andreas Heinemeyer (Stockholm Environment Institute, York)
Main Hall |
Presentations on York-based projects
Denham Room |
Scaling Up: From Carfree Day to Carfree Cities, Part I
Carfree actions as a catalyst for carfree development and conversions
European Mobility Week offers the chance to test steps towards carfree development, such as reducing parking space or pedestrianising streets, to demonstrate their benefits and to promote them as a permanent solution Presentations:
15:00 - 15:30 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
15:30 - 17:30 |
Meet Outside |
- Walking tour of York (repeated), led by Dr Andreas Heinemeyer (Stockholm Environment Institute, York)
Main Hall |
How to Win the Arguments Against Car Use
- Presentation by Simon Field (ITDP, Hamburg)
- Panel discussion covering the arguments used by both sustainable transport campaigners and the motoring lobby. An introduction to counter-greenwashing. Panel members: Milan Borić (Yugo Cycling Campaign, Belgrade), Mari Jüssi (Stockholm Environment Institute, Tallinn), Simon Field (ITDP, Hamburg), Matt Wilson (Bicycology, UK)
Denham Room |
Scaling Up: From Carfree Day to Carfree Cities, Part II
European-level activities to promote strategies towards large-scale carfree areas
The objective is to realise urban structures ensuring accessibility without the need for and presence of private cars: this allows those who do not own cars to enjoy the benefits of carfree living. How can this be achieved?
Discussion in groups of about 10 people
Conveners: Günter Emberger (Technical University, Vienna), Franz Skala (Institute for Ecological Urban Development, Vienna)
17:30 - 20:00 |
Dinner Break
'Welcome party' for arrival of Ecotopia Biketour 2010 (5:30 pm)
20:00 - 22:30 |
Evening Programme |
Carfree Pub Crawl, attempting to follow the York Overground Pub Map, a pastiche of the London Underground Map
start location: Meet 8 pm at the fountain in the middle of Parliament Street (at Market Street/Jubbergate)
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Tuesday 29 June: Open Day (entry by voluntary donation for members of the public)
09:00 - 10:30 |
Main Hall |
Keynote speakers
Denham Room |
Stands and poster exhibitions
10:30 - 10:45 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
10:45 - 12:15 |
Main Hall |
Keynote speakers
Denham Room |
Stands and poster exhibitions
Clementhorpe Room |
- "York Carfree Day 2010" led by Friends of the Earth York
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:00 - 13:30 |
Denham Room |
Poster presentations
- "Club of Carfree People of Switzerland: Our First Five Years" by Beat von Scarpatetti (Club der Autofreien der Schweiz and University of Basel, Switzerland)
- "The 95% Carfree City" and "Sustainability versus Resiliency" by Chris Bingham (Ecotownz.co.uk)
- "A Design for Russia's First Carfree Development" by Vadim Makeev (Zodchi Ltd Architects, Tula, Russia)
13:30 - 15:00 |
Meet Outside |
Outdoor workshop
- "Space and Experience, Part I: Space" - Explore public space and its uses with games by Leeds-based public space and
performance group Make-Pla(y)ce, with Anzir Boodoo (Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds), Dr Chiara Tornaghi (Department of
Geography, University of Leeds) and Francesca Panella (performance artist)
Main Hall and Denham Room |
Psychology of Car Dependence: The Problem
- "The Psychology of Car Dependence" and
"The Urban Bus Experience" by
Professor Steve Stradling (Edinburgh Napier University)
- Panel discussion on the psychology of car dependence, with Professor Steve Stradling (Edinburgh Napier University),
Dr Gary Haq (Stockholm Environment Institute) and Karin Sandqvist (University of Stockholm); chaired by Anna Semlyen
(author, Cutting Your Car Use, York)
- Choice of small group discussions or workshop led by Carlos Pardo (ITDP, Bogota, Colombia)
15:00 - 15:30 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
15:30 - 17:30 |
Meet Outside |
Outdoor workshop
- "Space and Experience, Part II: Experience" - Turn the way you experience the city on its head with psychogeography, using the techniques of dérive (drift) and détournement (overturning) on a walk with a difference!, with Anzir Boodoo (Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds), with assistance from Make-Pla(y)ce and Leeds Psychogeography Group
Main Hall and Denham Room |
Psychology of Car Dependence: Strategies to Overcome It
17:30 - 20:00 |
Dinner Break, with optional City Wall Walk
20:00 - 22:30 |
Evening Programme |
Carfree Film Night
location: City Screen Picturehouse, 13-17 Coney Street, YO1 9QL (set back from Coney Street, York's main shopping street, behind St Martin le Grand Church, on the riverside)
notes: drinks available from bar; please be seated in cinema by 20:30; free admission for conference delegates - by donation for others
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Wednesday 30 June: Day 3
09:00 - 09:30 |
Main Hall |
Open Space introduction and sign up
- Open Space is a way of organising a conference or meeting so that there is maximum participation, self-management, energy and focus. Open Space meetings allow everyone to discuss the issues that are most important to them. At the beginning of the session, the facilitators (Randall Ghent and Anna Semlyen) will ask people to propose discussion topics. Twelve topics are proposed in total. These become twelve separate half-hour discussions.
Micklegate Room |
Ecotopia Biketour 2010 meeting (all day)
- Participants of the 21st Ecotopia Biketour will discuss their plans and processes before pedalling off the following day. They'll be cycling through England to Wales, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and on to Cologne, Germany, where they plan to arrive on 31 August.
9:30 - 10:00 |
Main Hall and other rooms |
Open Space time slot 1
- Discussions 1-6 identified in the Open Space introduction will take place simultaneously in designated break-out spaces. Participants decide which discussion groups to take part in, according to their interests. Discussions are led by the people who identified the topic, or someone else in the group if they prefer. Volunteer reporters take notes which form the basis of reports to the plenary.
Clementhorpe Room |
Presentation and discussion (ends 10:30 am)
10:00 - 10:30 |
Main Hall and other rooms |
Open Space time slot 2
- Discussions 7-12 identified in the Open Space introduction will take place, following the same process described above. The only rule of Open Space is the "Law of Two Feet". This encourages people to move groups if they find they are in a discussion to which they cannot contribute.
10:30 - 10:45 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
10:45 - 11:15 |
Main Hall |
Reports from Open Space groups
- Each of the 12 discussion groups briefly reports back to the plenary. Notes from each discussion are posted on a wall for viewing. Over lunch, written comments may be added by others. Time and space in the afternoon is available for discussion groups to continue their work.
Denham Room |
Clementhorpe Room |
11:15 - 12:15 |
Main Hall |
Presentation and panel discussion
Denham Room
PhD Research in the Spotlight
Clementhorpe Room |
Carfree Access to Green Space
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Meet Outside |
Outdoor workshop or excursion
- option 1: "Visualising a Carfree Quarter" - outdoor carfree planning exercise with J.H. Crawford (finishes 17:30)
- option 2: "Cycling Excursion - Greenway to Green Belt" - Ride on York's links to its natural surroundings with Ralph Smyth (Campaign to Protect Rural England). Includes tea break - bring your own cake to share! (finishes 17:30, with option to return at 15:00)
Denham Room |
Putting the People into Carfree Cities
- "Taking to the streets" presentation from Alison
Chisholm (Oxford Brookes University), Dave Horton and Griet Scheldeman (Lancaster University)
- Workshop hosted by researchers from University of Lancaster, University of Leeds and University College London, led by Dave Horton
and Griet Scheldeman (Lancaster)
Clementhorpe Room |
- "We Love our Bikes! Getting Children Out of Cars and onto Bikes – for Life!" by Vicki Hill (Sustrans, York) - A colourful outline of some of Sustrans' most successful children's cycling projects such as Bike It and Beauty and the Bike with interactive workshop and expert advice on how to change the travel culture at a school near you.
Fishergate Room |
Room available for continuation of Open Space working groups
15:00 - 15:30 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
15:30 - 17:30 |
Meet Outside |
- Guided tour of National Railway Museum
Denham Room |
Building a National Carfree Network in the UK
- Networking meeting for UK activists, organised by Carfree UK
Clementhorpe Room |
Transport Films
- Bicycology's pedal-powered cinema
Fishergate Room |
Room available for continuation of Open Space working groups
17:30 - 19:00 |
Evening Break
19:00 - 23:00 |
Evening Programme |
YorkBoat "Cruise on the Ouse" - boarding at 18:45 for optional dinner (advance booking for dinner required - see registration form) or later boarding at 20:30 for post-dinner river cruise, drinks and entertainment
location: Kings Staith landing. Directions: Walk down Micklegate, which becomes Bridge Street. Cross the river and descend the steps on the right side of the street immediately after the river. The boat landing is straight in front of you down the riverside past The Kings Arms pub. Our boat is named River Palace.
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Thursday 1 July: Day 4 - Professionals' Day
09:00 - 10:30 |
Main Hall |
Why Carfree
10:30 - 10:45 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
10:45 - 12:15 |
Main Hall |
Carfree Development Explained
Denham Room
Freight Transport in Carfree Areas
- Workshop hosted by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK)
Clementhorpe Room |
Sharing Cycling Best Practice
Micklegate Room |
World Carfree Day / PARK(ing) Day / European Mobility Week Organisers' Meeting
- Half-day meeting for anyone interested in organising carfree local/national events from 16-22 September
12:30 - 13:30 |
- "Towards the X Conference" - the announcement of the location of
next year's conference host city: Guadalajara in Mexico. Presentation by Felipe Reyes, Jesús Soto
and Étienne von Bertrab, Ciudad para todos
13:30 - 15:00 |
Meet Outside |
- Bicycle Tour - York's Cycling Infrastructure
Denham Room |
Carfree Development: Where Do We Go Next?
- Workshop for everyone interested in building carfree, with Dr Jan Scheurer (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia), Markus Heller (architect, Berlin) and J.H. Crawford (author of Carfree Cities and Carfree Design Manual)
Clementhorpe Room |
Creating your Own Social Marketing Campaign for Cycling
- Workshop hosted by Geoff Gardner (Managing Consultant, ATKINS)
Micklegate Room |
World Carfree Day / PARK(ing) Day / European Mobility Week Organisers' Meeting (continued)
- Half-day meeting for anyone interested in organising carfree local/national events from 16-22 September
15:00 - 15:30 |
Tea/Coffee Break |
15:30 - 17:30 |
Meet Outside |
- Bicycle Tour - York's Cycling Infrastructure (repeated)
Denham Room |
Carfree Clinic for Politicians and Planners
- Workshop led by Professor John Whitelegg (Liverpool John Moores University and Stockholm Environment Institute)
Clementhorpe Room |
Carfree Research: What Next?
- Presentation by Steve Melia
- An opportunity to network with transport and planning academics from around the world; led by Dr Steve Melia (Senior Lecturer, University of West of England; Co-ordinator, Carfree UK)
18:30 - 21:00 |
Street Party |
Community event with food and entertainment
location: Bishopthorpe Road, between Nunnery Lane and Scarcroft Road, York
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Friday 2 July: World Carfree Network AGM
09:30 - 17:30 |
Denham Room |
Open to representatives of member organisations and individual members
- Introduction to World Carfree Network
- Review of the year: projects, membership, successes and challenges
- Introduction to facilitation and the decision-making process
- Financial situation
- Proposal for a new membership category: Institutional Members
- Restructuring
- Lunch
- Strategic planning
- Election of Steering Committee and Advisory Board members
- Any other business
17:30 - 20:00 |
Dinner Break
20:00 - 22:30 |
Evening Programme |
Post-Conference Party
with live music from Hot Fudge, comedy by Rory Motion and a funk disco by DJ Lady Greygold
location: Crescent WMC (8 The Crescent, off Blossom Street, YO24 1AW, tel: 01904 622 510)
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Saturday 3 July: Post-Conference Excursion
Transport and Urban Design Excursion |
Meet: York Railway Station at 09:45 |
Study tour to Tyneside
We will travel via the scenic Durham Coast Railway to Sunderland, changing there to observe and travel on the Tyne & Wear Metro light rail system to Newcastle. In Newcastle we will compare and contrast the classical Georgian facades of Grainger Town, the rehabilitated Quayside area and the Byker Wall development of the 1970s.
There will also be an opportunity to visit the Metro control centre at South Gosforth.
Please note that the number of places is limited - please sign up when you arrive at the conference.
With the kind support of Grand Central and Nexus.
Return to York: approx. 19:15 |
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